Businesses are 100x more likely to connect and convert leads if they respond within the first 5 minutes.
Conversion rates increase by 8x by responding within 5 minutes.
78% of customers buy from the first responder.
Fast responders win up to 50% of sales.
Businesses earn a 391% conversion rate improvement if they respond within 1 minute.
82% of customers polled expect a response within 10 minutes.
Leads are 21x less effective after 30 minutes.
67% of consumers say fast response times directly improve their satisfaction.
Fast Lead Response Increases likelihood of choosing your services by 35%.
AI Automation ensures instant 24/7/365 lead contact.
AI Automated Communication Workflows Reduce need for constant manual effort by 80%.
AI Agents Increase businesses productivity by 45%.
AI Agents reduce customer acquisition cost by 20% by improving conversion rates
AI Agents are able to Reduce overall labor cost by over 50%
AI Agents make marketing efforts 30% more cost-effective.